Wilcosky Forum


  1. » Links
  2. » Names
  3. » Bold & italic
  4. » Titles
  5. » Dividers
  6. » Quotes
  7. » Monospace Text

Clickable links will be created automatically on any web addresses in your text that begin with "http://", "https://", "ftp://" or "irc://". Also, e-mail addresses will be turned into clickable links for you.

YES:	http://www.google.com
NO:	www.google.com
YES:	[email protected]


You can refer to another person by prefixing their name with an at-symbol. E.g. "@bob" The name will link to the last reply made by that person in the current discussion thread.

Bold & Italic

*Write bold text like this*, and _italic text like this_.


For a title, start a line with two colons. Example:

:: Shopping list


To draw a line across your text, use three or more dashes:
(this should be on its own line, with a blank line before and after)



To quote somebody else's text, place it on its own line with quote marks at the beginning and end. This applies even if the quoted text is more than one paragraph, or contains quotes itself.

There must be a blank line between any quote and other text:
(a single line-break will not work)

YES:	This is my text
	"This is your text"
	This is my text

There must be no text before or after the quote marks:

NO:	"This is your text".

However, spaces before or after are allowed. When you copy and paste someone else's quote, extra spaces might be included, these will be ignored.

YES:	This is my text

	     "this is your text
	This is my text

A quote may span more than one line or paragraph:

YES:	This is my text
	"The quick brown fox
	jumped over the lazy dog
	Jackdaws love my big
	sphinx of quartz"
	This is my text

Quotes can contain quotes:

YES:	"This is the first quote
	"This is the second quote"
	This is the first quote"

You may use three different kinds of quote marks:
(but you can’t mismatch the ends)

YES:	"Plain speech marks"

	“Curly quotes”

Different kinds of quotes can be nested:

YES:	"This is the first quote

	“This is the second quote
	«This is a third quote»”"

Monospace Text:

For small snippets of code or technical writing you want to appear as-is admidst other writing you can use backticks (1 or more allowed) to enclose the monospace text; the text within will not be processed for bold / italic and other markup.

Use `*bold*` for bold and ``_italic_`` for italics.

When posting, all unnecessary white-space is automatically removed. If you have some text that relies upon a monospace font (such as ASCII art), you can use a "code block".

The code block begins with a percent sign, then your text (starting the next line), and then the ending percent sign on the next line.

      __...--~~~~~-._   _.-~~~~~--...__
    //               `V'               \\ 
   //                 |                 \\ 
  //__...--~~~~~~-._  |  _.-~~~~~~--...__\\ 
 //__.....----~~~~._\ | /_.~~~~----.....__\\
                dwb `---`

Note that there should be a blank line between the code block and any other text before or after:

You can include a title after the first percent sign, for example when inserting source code snippets you can state the programming language used:

div	{color: red;}

Should you need to quote something that has percent symbols as the first character on a line, such as the LaTeX programming language, you can simply use the dollar sign "$" as a delimiter instead.